Big bud

       With Big bud are connected strong deformation blossom and lignified tomato fruits. This is virus disease. Leafhoppers - small sucking insects transfer the big bud.
       Reservation of virus are >>>>>>>>>

Topmost rot on tomato. The occurrence reason

       This noninfectious disease is a consequence of a lack of one of food elements - calcium, and also microelements. >>>>>>>>

Fungi Fusarium and verticilliose on a tomato plant

       Plants wither from an overheat at a lack of a moisture of soil, from penetration through microscopic cracks on stalks>>>>

Bacterial canker (cancer) of tomato - scab

       The bacterial canker of tomato mostly meets on the plants of a tomato which are grown up on easy sandy soils. >>>>>

Mealy dew of pumpkin cultures

       The causative agent of Mealy dew develops on leaves and stalks of a cucumber, a vegetable marrow, a pumpkin, a bush pumpkin since growth of plants. Mealy dew does >>>>>>>>>>

Cucumber Mealy dew

       Occurrence of a white touch on leaves and stalks of a cucumber a sign at one of fungoid illnesses of a cucumber - mealy dew. It develops >>>>>>>>>>

Cucumber anthracnose

       On cucumber leaves yellowish or brown stains are formed. On fruits, stalks and footstalks pinkish spots are formed - in the form of ulcers. Such ulcers often >>>>>>>>

Cucurbitaceous plant louse

       Cucurbitaceous plant louse is cause of flowers and leaves of a cucumber and other pumpkin plants are wrinkled and braided. A Cucurbitaceous plant louse is >>>>>>>>>

False mealy dew.

       False mealy dew causes dirty taint, whitish stains on a surface of leaves of onions. False mealy dew is >>>>>>>

Onions fly

            Onions leaves sometimes become yellowish -grey, wither and soon dry up. These damages cause larvae of onions fly (whitish, length of a body to 10 mm). The onions fly develops on >>>>>>>>

Carrot fly. An ugly kind of carrots. Ligneous carrots

       It is result of damage by carrot fly. Length of an adult carrot fly is 4 - 5 mm. A paunch of a carrot fly oval, is brilliant-black, a head brownish-red with a black triangular stain. Larvae of a carrot fly >>>>>>>>

White rot of carrots. Signs. Crop protection.

       At affect of root crops by white rot the tissues are softened, on them there is a mycelium. If the affected root crops >>>>>>>

PLANT PESTS and DISEASES. A vascular bacteriosis

       The vascular bacteriosis affects white cabbage and a cauliflower, a garden radish. Leaves turn yellow, cores on them >>>>>


       Slimy bacteriosis is caused by bacteria, amazing, along with cabbage and turnips. Slimy bacteriosis shows itself first in sliming upper leaves, and then the entire head is in the decay and the inside of the stump. During the period >>>>>>>>
