Cabbage butterflies

Pteromalus; rider apanteles; trichogramma vs cabbage plant pests

            Caterpillars of cabbage butterflies cause such damages: edges of cabbage leaves were eaten by pests heavily sometimes remained intact only >>>>>>>

Cabbage moth

PESTS of PLANTS. Cabbage moth.

            Caterpillar of cabbage moth gnaws in cabbage leaves the "windows" skinned over by a thin skin.
Caterpillar of cabbage moth is >>>>>>>>

Cabbage flies

PESTS OF PLANTS. Larvae of spring cabbage fly

            White legless larvae of spring cabbage fly damage roots and lower stems of seedlings of cabbage.
            Lengths are up to >>>>>>>>>

PLANT PESTS. Flea beetles

            Flea beetles (small jumping bugs) do on leaves of cruciferous plant, small deepenings in an ulcer kind.
            Most often from them meet: >>>>>>>

Cabbage plant louse

            Why cabbage leaves roll, become colorless, and a head of cabbage not braided?
It is result of activity of >>>>>>>

How to bring down high blood pressure? Recipe of “UNOBI SUVI” (UNABI BROTH)

          1kg of unabi (Zizyphus jujuba), 2liters of water
        Wash out dried unabi in cold water. Cut large ones on three-four parts, the others leave as a whole. Put in the enameled ware. Fill in >>>>>>>

Fat celebrities before and after. Recipe of “ANOR SHARBATI” (SHERBET FROM THE POMEGRANATE)

1l of pomegranate juice, 200g of sugar, 1 glass of boiled water, vanilla on a knife tip.
        Pour the wrung out fresh pomegranate juice in corrosion-proof ware. Dissolve sugar in a >>>>>>>>


             1kg of dried apricots, 2liters of water
        Take sun dried apricots (for ex. «qantak» or «isfarak»). Wash out dried apricots with cold water, put in the enameled pan. Fill in with >>>>>>>


           500g of melted butter (or butter), 300g of honey
        Melt separately honey and butter. Connect both products and properly mix for formation of >>>>


1kg of different kinds of fruits and berries, 200g of honey and 3l of waters, 0.5 tsp of a saffron or vanillin on a knife tip.
        Wash out the fresh fruits >>>>

Recipes for fresh tomatoes. “POMIDOR MURABBOSI” (JAM FROM TOMATOES)

On 1kg of tomatoes – 1kg of sugar, 2.5 glasses of water, 0.5 tsp of vanillin. Small, the identical size red tomatoes are used for >>>>
